What do Aloe Vera, Coral Reefs, and Mushroom Coffee have in common? They all take care of elemental aspects of our health and happiness…whether traveling or not.
They are all feature below in my favorite products to reach for.
1. Aloe Vera Juice by Lily of the Desert
Aloe has been used medicinally for thousands of years, both topically and internally. These days, there are lots of Aloe Vera Juices you can reach for, but this company Lily of the Desert uses whole leaf, inner fillet of aloe so your body receives optimal support from the plant. It is very hydrating for your body during the heat, it stimulates healthy digestion, helps reduce harmful toxins in your body, and aids in nutrient absorption. Also it can help reduce occasional heartburn. Add an ounce to your water or juice… or take a straight shot of it on a daily basis. You might want to eat a strawberry after to balance out the strong taste.
2. Reef Safe Sun Block by MyChelle
As a child growing up on the coast, I would sport brightly colored Zinc Oxide sunblocks on my face… like art. As an adult, it’s been difficult to find a sunblock that I enjoy painting my face with as much as I did when I was a kid. On the shelves at Whole Foods and Sprouts, I’ve discovered this company and I gave their Reef Safe Sun Block a shot and ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT. There is no fragrance, no stickiness, no oiliness. Just moisturizing, sun-blocking, reef-loving goodness.
3. Mushroom Coffee by Four Sigmatic
I discovered these little packets at the Paleo f(x) conference this year, then found them on the shelves of Sprouts’ supplement section. These Coffee packs feature adaptogenic mushrooms called Cordyceps which boost your metabolism, support your adrenal glands, and cut down the acidity and caffeine levels of your regular cup of Joe. The company also features other medicinal mushrooms which deserves a separate blog series in and of itself 🙂